This articles explains the process of adding devices through csv file to policy groups to automate activation process.

  • Login to AMGuard Enterprise console with valid credentials
  • Go to Policy Groups pages. Click on policy name to go into details.

Note : For the first time, you will notice default policies. You can create 'n' number of policies as per use case.

  • In Policy page, you will be landed in Devices tab. Notice "Upload" option on top right corner. (Highlighted in below picture)

  • Click on "DOWNLOAD SAMPLE FILE" to download the csv file to your machine

  • Notice a csv file with name "DeviceFields.csv"

  • On your machine, open the csv file. 


- Microsoft Tool - Excel is already installed

- In case you dont have, get it from

  • Add Device IMEIs in the csv file along with other details (if)

1. IMEI - Add device unique IDs here. Like IMEIs 

2. Admin tagged name - Provide device owner or user name for quick identification

3. ID1 - This tag refers to "Assigned To", meaning any account created on the device will be automatically picked up for identification

4. ID2 - This tag refers to "Inventory ID"

5. ID3 - Can be ignored for now

  • Add deviceIMEIs and other details in the csv. Format IMEI column as shown below

  • Now upload the file in AMGuard console 

  • After uploading, device details will be displayed for review. Click on "Save" to tag the devices to policy group

  • Clicking on save will add the devices to policy group. Added devices will be listed within policy group page as below

  • All that you have to do on the device is 
    • Power On 
    • Connect to device network or stable Wi-Fi
    • In place Google account enter afw#weguard
    • Let AMGuard install (You will have accept and enable permissions)
    • After installation, open AMGuard and activation should happen automatically as devices are already added to the policy group.

We hope this article was useful. Thank you for reading. For more AMGuard insights, please explore the Visual Knowledge-base Series.

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If you need any help on this,  contact AMGuard Support Email.