Developer Play Console
If your organization has already Developer Play account login in into the account if not register with the below link.
Register with the Play account:
Login into account:
Note - Pay $25 as a registration process perpetual.
Prepare your APK
Prepare your production APKs with the right signing key. Always use the same Singing key to generate the builds. Signing Keys must match with next release builds. As a practice use identical key stores for the different applications.
Create new application
After login into the console please follow below steps
- Click on All Applications from left side pane.
- Right side top corner of the All applications you will find Create Application button. Click on it which redirect you to Create Application page.
- Name your application which will be a Display name when you search in Play Store.
Store listing
Store listing is key area which will be shown on Play Store page. Here are the details that are required.
- Short description
- Full description
- Screenshots (Min 2 – Max 8 with 320px)
- Icon (513 x 512 – 32bit) – Will be shown as app icon in Play store.
- Banner/Feature graphics (1024 x 500 24bit)
- Application type
- Category
- Email, Phone , Privacy
- Content rating. (Will be available once store listing is completed).
- Save Draft will enable next options
Content rating
Answer content rating questions and save the questioner. Depends up on answers content rating will be provided by Google Play, same certificate will be sent as an email. Example content rating given as below.
App Releases
You must upload an APK for the Production or Beta before you process further sections. Navigate to App Releases section
- Click on Manage Production/ Manage Beta
- Create release
- Add your Signed APK with release name and release notes, click on review
- Key note is the app ID of the uploaded APK will be unique if there is any other application exist with the same App ID Play Console will not allow you to upload the APK
- We cannot change/delete the Application ID once it is uploaded
Pricing and distribution
Select your application distribution types
- Free/Paid
- Countries to restrict/allow
- Answer the questions available in Pricing and distribution.
After adding all the above details click on Publish button to publish the application. It will take around 4-5 hours max 24hrs to available in live in Play store.
Update application
Click on Application that needs to be updated, navigate to Application Releases > Manage Production/Beta > Create release and Publish. Usually update will not take more than 1-6hrs.
Adding application to private store
By adding app to Private Store will make the application available only for the selected organizations. App will not be visible in Public play store anymore, if you want to change the application to available in Public play store remove all the Organizations that are added in to below section and re-publish. This will be useful when you are using AMGuard Standard solution to publish your app.
Go to section Store presence > Pricing & distribution select/click on “CHOOSE ORGANIZATIONS” in Managed Google Play section. Enter your Organization ID and Name Add and click on Done. App will be added
Know your organization ID
There are 2 ways to find your organization ID
- 1. From Play Work console
- Open
- Navigate to Admin settings find your organization ID.
- 2. From AMGuard Standard Portal->Settings (See Organization/Enterprise Id, under Account Settings).
Click here, to see how you can add this app to your policy.
We hope this article was useful. Thank you for reading. For more AMGuard insights, please explore the Visual Knowledge-base Series.
For more details, please do visit
If you need any help on this, contact AMGuard Support Email.