Hello and Welcome to AMGuard Enterprise Visual Knowledge-base Series.

In this KB article, We will explain how to KIOSK Lock/Unlock the device remotely from the web portal

  • Click on the devices and select the device ID

  • Click on "KIOSK Unlock" to unlock the device from Kiosk mode

  • Click on "KIOSK Lock" to lock the device in Kiosk mode

NOTE: This action can only be performed when the device is online.

  • The GREEN indicator indicates that the device is active and online

  • The RED indicator indicates that the device is inactive and offline
  • Refresh Button: Refresh button is used to update the current status of the device. You can use the refresh button if you believe the device is online but shows offline in the web portal.

We hope this article was useful. Thank you for reading. For more AMGuard insights, please explore the Visual Knowledge-base Series.

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