This article explains the procedure of setting up AMGuard in Samsung KME portal.
- Login to Samsung Knox portal
- In the Dashboard, click Launch Console in the Knox Mobile Enrollment section. Notice Samsung KME console.
- Click MDM Profiles in the sidebar. The MDM Profiles page is displayed.
- Now, click on Actions drop-down and then click "Add".
- The MDM Server Connection page should be displayed.
- Select the Server URI not required for my MDM button and then click Continue.
- The Add profile details page is displayed. Create the profile by filling in basic and MDM information.
- Basic Information – Profile Name and Description
- MDM Information – Pick you MDM, MDM Agent APK and MDM Server URI
- MDM Agent APK - <will be shared on request>
- Please refer below picture for reference.
- Note: “Pick your MDM” should be Other
Save the profile
9. AMGuard MDM Profile is successfully created.
Check out our article on "Assign AMGuard MDM profile to devices in KME"
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